The scholarship of teaching, discovery, integration and application
Faculty Development
Many faculty members have had no formal education courses or do not know what is expected of them when they choose an academic career. Outcomes in teaching, research/scholarship, service, and practice are commonplace, and ongoing professional development in these areas is critical to the success of faculty members at every step of their career. The experts at Nursing Education Consultants will work with faculty on an individual basis, as well as in groups, to assure professional development needs are met and your mission and goals are achieved.
We design and conduct programs that focus on your specific faculty development needs, including:
Innovative pedagogical methods
Innovative curriculum design and evaluation
Approaches to the evaluation of student performance
Solutions for dealing with difficult students
Integrating preceptors and adjunct faculty into your school
Evaluating faculty and preceptor performance
Interdisciplinary education
Faculty practice
Developing a program of research and scholarship
Developing a comprehensive evaluation plan that is consistent with accreditation standards
Preparing for a successful tenure decision
Preparing for accreditation
Creating a supportive work environment